
Table of Contents

The BAHS is a charity and is entirely reliant on annual subscriptions to support all our work: newsletterspublicationsonline forumsLIBRAL, the Thirsk Prize, the ‘Work in Progress’ list, and links to rural museums.

Frequently asked questions are below the form.

For Agricultural History Review, which is available on both individual and institutional subscriptions, please see the main page.

Join with Stripe

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How did you hear about us?
Required for UK student membership, optional for others
Data processing
We will use your postal details to send you Agricultural History Review and Rural History Today twice a year each. We will use your email address only to communicate with you about your membership or other BAHS-related matters. By giving us your information you consent to receive our postal mailings and email communications. We will not sell or give any of your details to anyone else. For further information, see our privacy policy.
Membership type
Gift Aid is reclaimed by the BAHS from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer. Please notify us if you want to cancel this declaration, change your name or home address, or no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains. If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.

Join with PayPal

UK individual & joint

Frequently Asked Questions

Two hard copy issues of Agricultural History Review, as well as any supplements we publish during the year, and two issues of Rural History Today.

You also have online access to the most recent three years’ issues of Agricultural History Review.

Individual and joint subscribers are also entitled to vote at the AGM and to apply for grants to support conferences and other initiatives. 

Institutional and library subscribers can give online access to the most recent three years’ issues of Agricultural History Review to their affiliates, as described in our terms and conditions.

Annual subscription for individual and joint UK members is £30. Two individuals at the same address can join for the price of one, but receive only one copy of each issue (‘joint subscription’).

There is a concessionary rate of £15 for UK students not in full-time employment and for UK residents who are registered unemployed. Joint subscription does not apply to the concessionary rate.

Annual subscription for individual or joint members overseas is £42. This reflects the extra postage cost.

If you’re not ready to pay an annual subscription, please keep in touch by signing up for our email newsletter.

Annual subscription for libraries and other institutions for 2024 is £190. Please use the contact form to contact the Assistant Treasurer, who will ask you for the necessary details.

When you pay using the Stripe form below, an annually recurring payment is set up. Your subscription year begins on the anniversary of the date you first paid.

If you prefer to pay by standing order, the details are: Sort Code 309696, Account No. 00075423. Please use the contact form to let the Assistant Treasurer know that you have set up the standing order.

If you set up a Standing Order, the subscription will be taken on 1 February each year. If you want to back-date your membership to the beginning of the year (1 February), please transfer the remainder of the year’s subscription by BACS.

Please use the contact form to tell us that your details have changed.

Yes! We have a PDF and Word form. Please send your completed form to